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This is the second week into learning about graphic design. This week we are learning more about creativity and idea generation. I decided to only post one blog post per week with all the tasks. Last week I didn’t do it like that, but I got a tip from a classmate about this. I personally think it will give me and my readers a better overview of what I have learned the specific week.


So the first task was to search graphic design from an era that caught my eye. I really did like the pop art era, so I searched for graphic design from that era. This is the design that caught my eye.

The designer´s name was James Rosenquist. The design is from 1962 and is  a portrait he put together after Marilyn Monroe’s suicide. There is different types of font used in this design which I love, but I did notice he used the coca colas script font in the design. He did that to highlight the meshing of celebrity with pop culture and commercialism. This design did catch mye eye because you need to look at it for a while to figure out what is going on in the frame. This style is still relevant today and maybe that’s why it did catch my eye ass well. I did really love the different use of typography and that is something I would love to do in my own work.


Then we needed to follow a Youtube tutorial to get to know adobe illustrator a little better. So this is how the spiral I made in adobe illustrator turned out.


We followed a YouTube tutorial to learn how to create basic shapes. This is how it turned out.


The second task was to build an abstract face of the shapes we learned to create. So here is what I ended up with.

Module Assignment

The MA this week was to rough sketch ideas for the CA and choose 3 of the sketches. This is the three I chose.


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