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Part 1; Lesson task 1.1

  • How would you describe your client? Who are they and what do they want?The clients is Silje the owner and Ole Kåre Jørgensen the co-owner. Silje have been running the shop called “Fra Går” for 25 years and probably needed some new inspiration and therefore wanted to include her grandson Ole. The grandson is 25 years old and is going to help with modernizing the shop. Ole thinks that a unique logo is going to be an important factor for attracting passing customers. He also wants to have a unique logo to create a presence for the shop online. He want to use social media to attract tourists worldwide to visit their shop in Svolvær. The logo is also a part of a process to build a brand to attract younger creative people to the area.
  • How are you going to help your client?I will help this client with making two logos – a primary and a secondary logo. The logos also needs to work in various formats.
  • What are your biggest challenges in achieving the client’s goal?I think my biggest challenge would be to make the logo too decorative. I need to focus on making a design that is strategic for the shop and not what is pleasing on the eyes for myself.
  • What does this company stand for?This shop sells fresh produce from the area, freshly baked goods, and local artists handwork. Ole means the shop can give tourists a more authentic and personalized shopping experience true to the region.
  • What does it stand against?They really don´t like the often used “farmy” kind of icon as a logo. They want me as a designer to think about the fact that they support local artist that works with their hands and the creative workshop direction they want to pursue in the future should inspire me for the logo.
  • Who are the competitors? (In some cases, the client will not name their competitors, and you need to do your own research regarding this.)I did find out about another farm shop in Lofoten called “Lofoten gårdsysteri” that sells their own products like cheese and meat products. They do have a presence on social media and does have a logo.

    The second farm shop I found is called “Aalan gård” and they also do sell cheese and herbs. They aswell has a presence on social media with a big publicum.

  • What makes this company distinctive/different from their competitors?-The difference is that “Fra gård” doesn’t have any presence on social media compared with the the two other competitors that have a presence.

    -The distinctive is that Fra Gård sells products that the other shops don´t and that makes them stand out from the competition. Especially the local artists handwork will stand out.

  • How will you measure success?I will measure the success based on if the strategic design can lead to more traffic and attention.


Part 2; Lesson task 1.2



Part 3; Lesson task 1.

  • Who are their current customers (according to the brief)?

    Their current costumers is locals and tourists.

  • Who do they want to be their customersin the future?

    They want to attract more tourist from other countries and the young people from the cities and the creative young people.

  • How do they want to connectwith those specific people (current and potential customers)?

    They want to connect with the current and potential customers by getting the shop a new identity with the logo. As well as having a presence on social media will help them connect with their potential and already costumers.

  • Why would these people mentioned above specifically want to visit their shop and not that of a competitor?

    Because of the products they sell doesn’t sell anywhere else. An example is Julie´s lingonberry jam. They stand out with their products.

    Part 4; Lesson task 1.4

    • What makes Fra Gårdunique?

      What makes Fra Gård unique is that the products they sell is fresh produce from the area. It is a whole other taste experience then going to the store to buy baked goods and jam. They also sell unique local artists handwork that you can´t get anywhere else.

    • What makes them different from their competitors?

      They are different from the competitors because they sell products that the competitors I found didn’t sell.

    • Who are their main competitors? 

      Other farm shops nearby.

      Brand positioning statement:

      To adventurous millennial and Gen z, Fra Gård is a break from the busy life where you can get a taste of Norway by our norwegian fresh produce, freshly baked goods and explore our local artists handwork.


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